How to find out what is hidden under the facial features

How to find out what is hidden under the facial features

Facial features clearly define what a person is inside. Also, gestures say a lot. However, appearance can characterize a person.


Thin eyebrows speak of proud people. Overgrown eyebrows characterize straightforward and selfish people. And wide eyebrows speak of kind and open people.


Deep-set eyes with drooping lids define the conceited and vindictive. Big eyes speak of people with good imagination, and small eyes speak of curious and impressive ones. Narrow eyes can spot rude people.


Even a nose can be given away by a person. For example, a long and pointed nose indicates demanding and unrestrained. A snub nose betrays the harmful and irresponsible. The wide nose is cheeky.


Soft people often have a small mouth. If the upper lip is larger than the lower one, then the person is more cruel.

And if the lower lip protrudes, then the person loves to achieve his goal. Narrow speaks of mystery. Funny and interesting people have plump lips.

The chin

Targeted people have a large and prominent chin. Modest and indecisive people have a small and not eye-catching chin.


The neck, shoulders, hips and legs also indicate a person’s inner personality.

A short neck indicates adherence to principles and negligence, and a long neck indicates pessimists. A wiry and wide neck characterizes masculinity, while a thin neck characterizes dreaminess and uncertainty.

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