How to achieve a beautiful body? Very simple! Just 10 minutes a day and results on the eye

How to achieve a beautiful body? Very simple! Just 10 minutes a day and results on the eye

This set of exercises is created for 28 days. In order to lose weight and get it in order, you also need to take on proper nutrition. It will improve your health, immunity, and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Exercise is a very important part of losing weight. So, your body will get a beautiful and healthy look in a month! Just 5 exercises will change your appearance much better than you expect.

Perform each exercise for 2 minutes.

1. Plank

This exercise is common as it covers all the muscles in the body.

Lie on your stomach on a mat, with your elbows and toes, raise your body so that it is level.

2. Squats

Stand up straight with your legs slightly widened, parallel to your shoulders, and your arms extended in front of you. Squat slowly. Imagine that there is a chair behind you and you sit down on it. Then also slowly rise.

This exercise puts stress on the torso, calf legs, hips and buttocks.

3. Raising the arm and leg at the same time

Get on all fours and gently lift your right arm and left leg. Do the same with your left arm and right leg.

4. Raising the buttocks on the mat

Lie on your back. Spread your arms to the sides and bend your legs. Raise your buttocks as high as possible, while resting on the entire foot or on the heels. When raising the buttocks of the feet, the head, shoulders and arms are pressed against the floor. Remain in this position for one to two seconds, and lower your pelvis abundantly.

5 push-ups

Place your toes and straight hands on the floor. Start pushing up. If it’s too difficult, then you can do push-ups on your knees first.

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