5 effective exercises for bloating

A distended belly appears periodically and may go away on its own. But this prevents many from feeling light and elegant. Therefore, these 5 exercises will speed up the process of restoring the abdomen to its usual shape.

This set of exercises is easy to perform and does not require special conditions.

5 effective exercises for bloating

1. Position of the embryo

This body position helps to get rid of the gases that constrict the stomach.

Sit on your heels, touch the mat with your forehead, and stretch your arms, as in the picture.

Breathing should be moderate. Feel lightness in your body.

2. Walking

Walking is an effective method to keep your body in good shape.

Just 20 minutes and you will feel much better. Since walking helps to get rid of gas and improve digestion.

Read also: 5 effective and easy knee pain exercises for women

3. Twisting to the sides

This exercise will improve your blood circulation.

Sit on the mat, bend and lift your legs as if you were sitting on a high chair. The back is straight and tilted 45 degrees above the mat, as shown.

Extend your arms and fold in your palms. Rotate your torso and arms to the sides. Keep your legs in the air. 15-20 times.

4. Knees to chest

This exercise also improves digestion.

Lie with your back on the mat, with your hands clasping your knees to your chest. Try to reach your knees with your lips.

5. Stretching

This exercise will relieve your bloated stomach.

Sit on the mat with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Try to reach your toes with hands, and keep your back straight. Stop like this for a few seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.


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