How to get rid of belly fat?

These methods are suitable for all ages!

We all know that our metabolism slows down over the years. In women after forty, muscles weaken and gain weight, since this is the period of menopause. However, self-care helps to cope with this difficult phase of life. Find out which exercises can help you eliminate belly fat and enhance your aesthetic appearance. What to include in your diet and how important is healthy sleep. You can find out about all this right now!

5 methods to create a beautiful belly

1. Eat the right fats

A diet that includes a high amount of protein strengthens muscles for the older generation. However, it is worth knowing which fats to eat.

Monounsaturated fats normalize cholesterol and glucose levels and contribute to the elimination of excess weight, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Monounsaturated fats are found in many nuts and avocados. They are also substitute for saturated fat.

Polyunsaturated acids help to improve physical condition and slow down the aging process. They are found in oils, fish, grape seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, and eggs.

2. Reduce the amount of alcohol

Alcohol in large quantities is unhealthy. It also contains a large amount of sugar and your body is not able to burn it.

3. Gymnastics and simple exercises

As we all know, sports exercises help to get our body in order. However, you don’t need to overload your body. Women are advised to lift the dumbbell no more than 1kg 20 times to strengthen the muscles of the body.

Read also:  How to achieve a beautiful body? Very simple! Just 10 minutes a day and results on the eye

4. Yoga

Yoga helps to strengthen the muscles, torso and give the body flexibility. Start with an exercise called the tree. This exercise will help you maintain balance, relax your body, and balance your breathing.

1. Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Place one leg as high as possible over the knee of the other leg.

3. Raise your hands with your palms together and gradually lower them to chest level. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

5. Healthy sleep

It is very important to maintain a healthy sleep in order to avoid problems. Lack of sleep leads to depression, weakness and fat accumulation. Poor sleep leads to various serious illnesses.

Accordingly, 8 hours of sleep will support your body, prevent the danger of diseases and contribute to your efforts to lose weight.


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