This gymnastic has helped many people to improve their well-being. It takes you only 3 minutes to complete, and the result will not keep you waiting. You will be charged with a great mood for the whole day.
Massage your ears ten to twenty times with your index and thumbs. Then rub it with your palms ten to twenty times.
Pass your palms in stroking movements from the forehead to the back of the head and back ten to fifteen times.
Rub your face with your palms, reaching your temples, as if you were washing your face. Fifteen to twenty times.
Read also: Find out which 3 Zodiac Signs have wit and discernment
Sit with your fingers in the lock and behind your neck. Tilt your head back against your arms fifteen to twenty times in moderation.
Also, while sitting, bend slightly forward and rub the lower back and forth with the bumps of your palms, and the movement should be opposite. Twenty to thirty times, pressing a little from the spine to the lower back.
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