If you have weak knees, pain in this area, rupture of ligaments or sprains, then these exercises are for you.
However, you should first consult with your doctor about the permission of these exercises. If you feel uncomfortable performing, stop.
This exercise works on the calves of the legs. You can rest your hands on the door. Raise and lower your heels high. Repeat 10 times in three sets and slowly.
A very effective sport. It helps to reduce joint stiffness, strengthen bones and muscles around joints, and improve emotional well-being.
Read also: 5 effective exercises for a great emotional state in just 3 minutes
This exercise stimulates the hips, abs, and hip joints.
Lie on the mat with your arms at your sides, lift your legs 15-20 cm and move your legs crosswise. It is important that your legs are straight, you can bend them slightly at the knees and do not lower your shoulders to the floor. Repeat as many times as you can.
Walking fast is less dangerous. It uses all the muscles in the body. Wear comfortable shoes and walk on a flat and smooth road.
This exercise is for the hamstring, quadriceps, and oblique muscles.
Lie on the mat sideways, bend the leg you are lying on for support, and slowly raise the other 45 degrees and remain in this position for 5 seconds and lower. This should be done 10 times on each side.
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